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MP Salim Almas Buy tractor 3 worth 150 mils for agriculture, citizens laughter

Ulanga State Member in Morogoro Salim Alaudin HaSham speaking to the people after handing three tractors worth 150 million

Ulanga State Member in Morogoro Salim Alaudin HaSham speaking to the people after handing three tractors worth 150 million
Ulanga State MP in Morogoro Salim Alaudin HaSham right as a table before handing over three-million tractors worth 150 million

Part of the three tractors handed the Member of the State of Ulanga in Morogoro Salim Alaudin HaSham

Ulanga State MP in Morogoro Salim Alaudin Hasham has given three tractors worth 150 million shillings to help citizens this farm period.

Speaking to the people of the County County while handing over these tractors he said it is one of his promises he has promised during the election campaign when asking for a lot so he has seen as soon as he knows the need for tractors in his province is great.

In addition, the MP Salim has given fear citizens on the acquisition procedures of these tractors to assure them that there will be no preference but every needy to provide information in his office then he will be given in a specific order.

MP Salim Alaudin has added that other tractors continue to come so it is good to keep these three to come to the other that they can help the people quickly and enable them to cultivate more modern.

Men of the district of 80 percent rely on agriculture in favor of survival so that the availability of the tractor will enable them to cultivate the productivity nankuletea great benefits would have a major challenge.
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